Grocery Shopping.
images by Deanna Baisden
blazer: jcrew (thrifted) | windbreakers: nike (babydaddy) | striped turtleneck: kule | sneakers: adidas | beanie: carhartt (again, babydaddy) | backpack: pharmacie mpls | ON ROWAN: all cat & jack, except sneakers from amazon + thrifted beanie (PS. you can hover the first image to shop my look - easy peasy!)
First thing’s first — don’t @ me about wearing nike & adidas at the same time (who are you, my sneakerhead boyfriend?!)
Now that we’ve addressed the elephant in the room, what are your favourite weekend rituals? Mine and Rowan’s currently include meeting my friend Deanna (social media pro, general knower-of-all-things and mastermind behind lacroix hair) at the grocery co-op near our house for the Minnebun pop-up that entails steamed buns (shaped as different animals!!!) and afterward, walking across the street to the library to pick up our weekly new batch of books. Bookz + bunz are all we really need in this life.
And in case you’re looking for some book recommendations, here’s what I’ve read AND loved as of late, I won’t bother mentioning any of the books I hated (though, if you follow me on insta, you already know what’s up):
Anything Erik Larson really, but I just finished these two: Devil in the White City & In the Garden of the Beasts // IDK what it is, but he beautifully weaves historical facts that seem stranger than fiction (but is V much real) into a novel that you just can’t put down.
Sarah Vowell’s Assassination Vacation // If you’re into dead presidents (not of the Hughes brothers variety, but that was a great one) + funnies — this is for you. That’s it for now, I’ll try to keep up on here but can’t make any definitive promises. X