
Hi. I'm Davee.

Welcome to my blog where I document my adventures in style, travel + all things MPLS. Mantra: I'm a firm believer that life is better all the way turnt up (keyword: turnt). Fair warning: I have a tendency to recite rap lyrics as a form of verbal communication (see last sentence for reference).

weekend maxmara
the cirque du act that had everyone holding their breaths 
tommy hilfiger
rachel x rachel roy
cutie pie, yvonne - this year's glamorama ambassador.

photos c/o Adam Bettcher for Macy's

favorite segments from this year's glamorama were hands down weekend maxmara, rachel x rachel roy and tommy hilfiger. weekend had the best presentation complete with a faux rainstorm, rachel roy is easily the most fashion-forward + wearable right off the runway and tommy hilfiger's classic all-american styling i just can't help but appreciate. a little prep in the fall never hurts (cue alicia silverstone in clueless).

cirque du soleil never disappoints with their crazy acrobatic feats, but i also enjoyed the glow-in-the-dark breakdancers because i'm a 90's chic. and of course, ageless sheryl crow - whose signature rocker chic look never seems to go out of style. the cutie that stole the show though, was yvonne - this year's glamorama ambassador. oh and did i mention, cancer survivor, aspiring gymnast/dancer and just all-around amazing little gal? can't wait for next year's - i'm always up for fashion with a cause.

and this wouldn't be complete w/o a #wiw.

photos are selfies

dress: bebe | belt: moschino | shoes: zara | bracelet worn as anklet: h&m 
on charlie: collar: coach

I Was Blind, But Now I SEE.

Vanity + 30 Hours in NYC.