
Hi. I'm Davee.

Welcome to my blog where I document my adventures in style, travel + all things MPLS. Mantra: I'm a firm believer that life is better all the way turnt up (keyword: turnt). Fair warning: I have a tendency to recite rap lyrics as a form of verbal communication (see last sentence for reference).

Dress Rehearsal.

clothing pictured above from Stephanie Lake's private collection, including her Bonnie Cashin archives.
pictured below: Emma Berg's full F/W 2013 collection

photos by Michael Dodes of Mill City Men

featured designer: Emma Berg
styling: Jahna Peloquin
make-up/hair: Haus Salon
jewelry, vintage/antique clothing: c/o Stephanie Lake

No words necessary, just happy I had the pleasure of attending this show in all its' glorious-ness(not a word, I know). 


Vintage Dresses + Vintage Cars.