We recently had new neighbors move into the house next door whereas previously it was occupied by an elderly lady who rarely ventured outside. Now we have Mexicans. And man, do they love to garden/landscape! Anyway, the point I'm trying to make is that I now have less privacy in my backyard to prance around in fancy clothes, high heels and makeup.. my little show has gained an audience :( WAH! So that's my sorry excuse for crappy photos today (aren't they never-ending?).
I secretly love all things baggy, but I am in noway a tomboy (in fact, very far from it). That's where my love for loose boy fit shorts, sweaters and masculine jackets come from. I love pairing all of the above with one very feminine thing, and in today's post, what else could be more femme than a pair of sexy, sleek pumps? Very a la Ashley Olsen :) Oh and the belt is something I picked up at this awesome vintage boutique, 'Feathers' in Austin TX when I was there for SXSW earlier this year. I've been having a hard time figuring out what to wear it with except for green cargo jackets (yes, I have more than one).. any ideas? Leave me a comment. xxo - Davee
lightweight cargo jacket: gifted from Linds (Express), chambray button-down: H&M, destroyed denim cut-offs: AE, belt: vintage Christian Dior, suede carry all: AA, necklace & black pumps: F21, Hermes look-alike cuff: Fringe, braided friendship bracelet: Target